About Homa Pump Technology
HOMA began as a submersible motor manufacturer and expanded into full pump production in the 1960s. This evolution has provided end users with a fully optimized product that is designed as an integrated unit rather than a composite of disparate components. This integrated design and manufacturing capability is one of the many reasons why the HOMA name stands for quality, reliability, and economy.
HOMA products are known worldwide for superb engineering and adherence to the strictest standards throughout the manufacturing process producing the highest quality, most reliable pumping equipment available.
HOMA manufactures only submersible pumps and motors, so you are assured of expert quality, workmanship, and service.
HOMA submersible pumps provide superior hydraulic coverage with reliability and efficiency assured in permanent or portable installations, with Wet Pit or Dry Pit applications, from 10 GPM to over 15,000 GPM and with 1/2 HP to 500 HP.

Pumps and Parts
HOMA submersible pumps provide superior hydraulic coverage with reliability and efficiency assured in permanent or portable installations, with Wet Pit or Dry Pit applications, from 10 GPM to over 15,000 GPM and with 1/2 HP to 500 HP.
HOMA submersible pumps can be provided in standard configurations from our extensive inventories, or in special designs or metallurgies to meet your specific applications. When hazardous area classifications are required, HOMA pumps are labeled Class I, Group C & D, Div. 1 Explosion Proof, certified to FM Global Standards.
HOMA stands behind every product with a generous warranty, extensive spare parts inventory, regional authorized service centers, factory engineers and technicians who are all dedicated to the support of the entire HOMA product line. Whether your application requires a residential grinder or effluent pump, or you are handling an industrial process stream or municipal waste water, HOMA will engineer a pumping solution for you.